Re: ximian-smb branch merged

> The icon requuires latest gnome-icon-theme. I have no idea why you got 
> nautilus-content-loser as the view though. We don't even install that from 
> nautilus since 2.1.3. Could you change it to "View as icons"?

I removed libexec/nautilus-content-loser and
lib/bonobo/servers/...content-loser.server and retried, and this time I
get the sample nautilus content view, and in the view menu, I only have
"view as" and "view as sample". When I click "view as", I don't have
"view as icons" in the following dialog.
I have been reinstalling gnome 2.1 using jhbuild regularly for quite
some time now, and since I'm always doing the reinstallation in the same
prefix without removing it first, I may have some old cruft in my gnome
installation which causes problems.


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