Re: ximian-smb branch merged

> It has gotten some testing at ximian, I don't know exactly how much but 
> its been around a long time. It does fix a lot of outstanding issues, and 
> I don't want to fix all those bugs on HEAD when they've already been 
> fixed. I looked at both branches closely, and decided to use the best one 
> as a starting point for the merge.

ok (I'm still thinking it could have waited until gnome2.4, but if you
are confident enough that this module works better than the old one,
that should be ok)

> No. I'm sorry about that. It adds a new error to the GnomeVFSResult enum. 
> It is used to finally get a decent error message to a common error that 
> happens when using smb. zero ABI issues, and API is minimally affected 
> since the only programmer-visible change is that an error result for some 
> smb operations changed from a generic error to a more specific one.
> [The user visible change is that you can get a better error message in 
> this situation]

Btw, what is the policy about extending GnomeVFSResult ? Is it ok to add
to it method specific values if they are necessary ? 


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