Hacking at gnome-screenshot and battling with gtk_clipboard_store ()


I'm trying to make gnome-screenshot store the screenshot to the
clipboard after the application is closed using gtk_clipboard_store():

  else if (response_id == SCREENSHOT_RESPONSE_COPY)
      GtkClipboard *clipboard;
      GdkPixbuf    *screenshot;

      clipboard = gtk_clipboard_get_for_display
(gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET (d)),
      screenshot = screenshot_dialog_get_screenshot (dialog);
      gtk_clipboard_set_image (clipboard, screenshot);

      /* Added Code */


But it doesn't work. I searched for a answer but with no luck, references:


The last url linked to
http://ubuntuguide.org/#keepclipboardinmemorygnome but the url is not
valid any more. I'm using Ubuntu 8.10 and I downloaded the source
using apt-get source gnome-utils and downloaded all the needed
packages from the Ubuntu repositories as well.

My question to you are:

1. Am I doing something wrong, regarding the code?
2. Or Should I have a application on my computer to store the
clipboard, and if so what application do I need?
3. Or is this a bug on Ubuntu or a problem with GTK?

Any response would be appreciated,

Ludolph Neethling

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