GNOME @ LinuxWorld 2005 - A call to arms!

With the LinuxWorld expo getting ever nearer, we've been planning what
we want to show off on the stand.

We'd like to demonstrate to people that GNOME great and so we'd like to
show off some of the great new (and old) things GNOME has these days.

It's to this end, if any of the developers for things like Beagle,
Evince, Totem etc want to come down to show off their work, perhaps give
a small "lightning talk" from the stand, we'd be really greatful.

The idea is that we try and attract a whole bunch of new people to the
cause, and giving our users a chance to see the people behind their
favourite programs might give them an insentive to help out (be it
solving or filing bug reports, translating or even documenting the

If you want to come down, please drop an email to the list, email me or
email Thomas Wood (thos gnome org) saying when you're available. Or
wander along to the Wiki page:

To add your details.

Thanks for your time and I look forward to seeing you all...


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