Hello from Ireland

Hi Guys,
Thomas, said I'd sign up, here I am!  Just so everyone knows, I ran the SFD in Longford, Ireland on Sept 10th against very adverse circumstances, but didn't want to let the ball drop, because it was the only Irish event.  Really wanted to have a gnome liveCD that was installable but no such luck )-:=
Wanted to announce myself, and I visited you at the Expo and was no burden on you, because I'm already a convert and was anxious enough to try out 2.12 that I installed a prerelease Foresight Desktop Linux and screwed up a laptop with it, but that's fixed now.  Looking forward to Breezy and better days ahead.  Bought the T-Shirt which I'll wear with pride (-:=
Any info anyone on the status of the LiveCD installer since I last checked.  I figure someone on this list will know faster than a google search?
In advance, forgive me if I don't reply as fast to posts as you like, time is at a premium for me right now, but I'll try!
All the best
Mel #!

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