Thoughts on LinuxWorld 2005

Firstly, many thanks to everyone that came along to help out. It was great to meet so many new people getting involved. It definitely felt busier and more lively than the previous year.

What we need to do now is gather as much feedback comments from everyone as we can such as what was successful and what could we improve for next time. What sort of comments did we have from the people we talked to. What were they interested in talking about? Some of the new things at this expo were the GNOME event box, the LiveCDs and (although only on the second day) the GNOME t-shirts. Were these things helpful? What could we do to get the most from the resources we have? If we can get a good write up together, it would be really useful to other people organising these kind of events. I'm sure it'd make an interesting article for too!

And just in case anyone around on the last day was wondering... two taxis, a train, some general lugging about and a couple of pints later, the GNOME event box did manage to get back to Reading safely!


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