[Fwd: gcompris translation]


gcompris tercümanin eline saglik :-) Yazar bayagica sevinmis... iletiyi buraya ileteyim dedim, Türkiye'deki GNU/Linux ve gcompris durumlarini bilemem de, sizle beraber konusup, cevap verirsek, daha mantikli olur dimmi? :-)

-----Forwarded Message-----

From: Bruno Coudoin <bruno.coudoin@free.fr>
To: kabalak@gtranslator.org
Subject: gcompris translation
Date: 05 Feb 2003 10:16:14 +0100

I saw that you made a translation of gcompris and I would like to thanks
you for that.

Gcompris has something special that it needs more in order to complete
the translation. Especially, check the file boards/wordsgame/README,
it explains how to add words to gcompris for the falling words and
reading activity.

Also, more complex but very usefull is adding voices in boards/sounds.

BTW, do you know if GNU/Linux and/or gcompris is used in turky ?


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