Re: [Linux] Redhat 7.3 ve Türkçe DUZELTME

On Fri, 2002-05-24 at 18:02, Fatih Demir wrote:
> Hah, you were in the eye of the enemies' secret trainings camp in Ankara
> I guess ;-))

Well, not really. Most of them don't even run X at all :) Yahu
gnome-turk degil mi burasi? Koptum ben yine.

> Right! you are absolutely right, man! :-) Should we design an absolute
> hardcore GNOME fan T-Shirt style -- maybe in connection with
> -- ha, what do you say? ;-)

Unnecessary to get those guys in. Actually I think; we need Tux-alikes a
lot more than the ones with a foot which has 4 fingers. Onun icin, daha
erken. Ama #gnome'de onericem bunu hemen.

> PS: Fark edene, yekin Eposta listelerine bundan sonra HTML maili
> göndermeyecem daha, ahmak birsey oldugunu kabul ediyorum :-)

E lutfen yani. Join the black-ribbon campaign against the HTML-mail

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 /\        HH  HH  T  MMM L
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Tembellikten. Daha fazlasini yapabilirim. Eskiden iyi oynardik TheDraw
ile :)
Enver (a.k.a. skyblue) - A potent hallucinogene

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