Re: [Linux] Redhat 7.3 ve Türkçe DUZELTME

On Fri, 2002-05-24 at 17:07, Fatih Demir wrote:
> Enver neden bu konuyla alakalidir?! Yoksa Senlik'te yaptigi GNOME
> propagandasi cok mu basariliydi?! ;-)

God bless GNOME and C.

Anyhow, ciddi amounts of insanlarin in the senlik aktivitesi were
serious KDE taraftari. I was feeling yalniz bir olcude ama resisting
well for all of those "GNOME cok yavas" kind of complaints and will
eventually degistirmek the Tux logo on my T-Shirt with "Nautilus on
GNOME2 is a lot faster ayni diger GNOME applications" gibi ukala

Kind saygilar :)
Enver (a.k.a. skyblue) - A potent hallucinogene

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