finale touches to gtk-engines/gnome-themes before 2.20 release

Hi everyone,

it seems to me there are a couple of tooltips related issue in GNOME
themes for 2.20 release. It could be good try to fix them.

1. New Appearance capplet allow you to customize tooltips color (BG and

        Open Appearance capplet, go to Theme tab, open Details dialog,
        go to Color tab: here are 2 color selectors for background and
        foreground color of tooltips. Unfortunately those selectory
        seems to be grayed for all default GNOME themes.
        I suspect we should update all gtkrc files in order to "unlock"
        those buttons. From
                static const gchar *symbolic_names[NUM_SYMBOLIC_COLORS]
                = {
                  "fg_color", "bg_color",
                  "text_color", "base_color",
                  "selected_fg_color", "selected_bg_color",
                  "tooltip_fg_color", "tooltip_bg_color"

2. New and old GTK+ tooltips should have the same appearance

        Another issue related to all gtkrc (maybe). GTK+ have updated
        the code for tooltips in 2.12 release. If I'm right this means
        that we have 2 different widgets for tooltips, the old one and
        the new one.
        I suspect that gtkrc files shipped with gnome-themes and
        gtk-engines are providing rules only for new tooltips widget.
        Is I said, I suspect this, but I haven't checked this in code or
        in desktop usage. Any more info?

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