Re: clearlooks engine in gtk-engines

On 17 Mar 2005, at 5:38 am, Matthias Clasen wrote:

I see that the Clearlooks engines has been included in
gtk-engines now. Since I maintain the Fedora gtk2-engines
package, I have a couple of questions regarding the
longer-term plans:

- The Clearlooks themes are not included. Will they end
  up in gnome-themes ?

The current plan is to include the one default "Clearlooks" theme in gtk-engines.

I am not sure what the plans are for gnome-themes, although most likely is that it will just include the Metacity theme and metatheme if it does include a Clearlooks entry.

- What is the relationship to upstream here ? I see that
  Clearlooks seems to be developed on sf.  Will you track
  upstream versions ? It would be good to document both
  the fact that there is an upstream for clearlooks and
  the included version somewhere...

The current arrangement is that we track upstream CVS, although we are going to manage Clearlooks bugs on GNOME bugzilla.

- I think upstream clearlooks has meanwhile acquired a
  configure option to build without animation.
  If clearlooks is intended to become the default theme,
  that option should be included and default to
  "no animation", IMO.

That is the current default configuration.


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