Re: Moving Nuvola from g-t-e to gnome-themes

What about clearing out some cruft (aka stagnant or unmaintained themes) from gnome-themes-extras? I think that module still has its place in the GNOME third party realm, but some themes are pretty dated and could be removed without causing a big hubbub. (Frankly, I think gnome-themes could do with some housekeeping to, but that's a different story since its an official GNOME module). Maybe post a list of the themes in gnome-themes-extras, and we can remove a few to keep it slimmed down. Or if you want more hip themes, I'd be willing to stuff SmoothGNOME into gnome-themes-extras (one more distribution method never hurt). Fear the smooth revolution. :-]

On Mar 2, 2005, at 9:47 AM, Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller wrote:

Currently the only really maintained(continuously improved) theme in
gnome-themes-extras is Nuvola. I have a bunch of new icons from David I
hope to be able to work on integrating very soon. As part of that work I
would like to move Nuvola from g-t-e to g-t and make one final release
of g-t-e without Nuvola. That way I will not need to keep making new
releases of g-t-e which are mostly stagnant.

Question of course is if Nuvola would be a welcomed addition to g-t, if
it isn't I make it a standalone release instead.

Any feedback?


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