Themes --> projects

Wold it not be cool if one cold extend themes to something I wold call a
projects. Where you get a "project" spesefik menu on all your programs and
That way you can easely join a new project and start to work right away,
because you have all the documentation to the projcet you work with under
the "project" spesefic "doc" menu item on the panel. You get all the
information you nead, when ever you nead it.

And when you start glade, you have a "project" spesefic menu on the
menubar, with items that can do everything from getting the lates code
from the CVS, or open the location on your HD where the project is. 

And when you open gnumeric, it loads all the python macros that does the
project spesefic calculation your project does, and you get your "project"
spesefic menu on the menubar. 

And so on. All the programs have their own project menu. One wold have
to have a project builder, that makes it easy to maintain a project, with
all its menus. I don't think it wold be to dificult to implement either.

Knut Olav Bøhmer
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      / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /  ... The choice of a
     /____/_/_//_/_, _/ /_/ _\         GNU generation

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