Changing the color of notebook tabs

	I'm trying to make a GTK+ theme, using the Xenophilia engine and
changing some colors... How can I change the color of the notebook tabs?
It's inheriting the color from something else (button? menu?), so I'm
attaching my .gtkrc so you can see its' widgets hierarchy. Thanks.

Daniel Serodio <> | UIN: 2960503
style "xeno_default" {
    font = "-misc-infernal-medium-r-normal--12-120-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1"

    fg[NORMAL]      = "#ffffff"
    fg[PRELIGHT]    = "#ffffff"
    fg[ACTIVE]      = "#ffffff"
    fg[SELECTED]    = "#ffffff"
    fg[INSENSITIVE] = "#000000"
    bg[ACTIVE]      = "#550066"
    bg[NORMAL]      = "#5e5e5e"
    bg[PRELIGHT]    = "#550066"
    bg[SELECTED]    = "#550066"
    bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#5e5e5e"
    base[NORMAL]      = "#424242"
    base[PRELIGHT]    = "#550066"
    base[ACTIVE]      = "#550066"
    base[SELECTED]    = "#550066"
    base[INSENSITIVE] = "#5e5e5e"
    engine "xeno" {
  	thin			= true
  	scrollbar_knob		= dimple
  	scrollbar_width		= 12
  	stepper_ends		= false
  	stepper_arrows		= false
  	stepper_box		= true
	shine			= 1.5
	shade			= 0.587
	handle_knob		= buds
	paned_knob		= lines

style "xeno_list" {
    base[ACTIVE]      = "#5e5e5e"

style "xeno_button" {
    bg[ACTIVE]      = "#550066"
    bg[NORMAL]      = "#5e5e5e"
    bg[PRELIGHT]    = "#550066"
    bg[SELECTED]    = "#550066"
    bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#5e5e5e"
    fg[INSENSITIVE] = "#000000"
    engine "xeno" {
	shade		= 0.6666667

style "xeno_menu" {
    bg[PRELIGHT]    = "#550066"

style "xeno_range" = "xeno_button" {
    bg[ACTIVE]      = "#424242"

style "xeno_infobar" {
    bg[NORMAL]      = "#5e5e5e"

class "GtkWidget"		style "xeno_default"
class "GtkList"			style "xeno_list"
class "GtkTree"			style "xeno_list"
class "GtkCList"		style "xeno_list"
class "GtkCTree"		style "xeno_list"
class "GtkButton"		style "xeno_button"
class "GtkSpinButton"		style "xeno_button"
class "GtkRange"		style "xeno_range"
class "GtkProgress"		style "xeno_infobar"
class "GtkStatusbar"		style "xeno_infobar"
class "GtkMenuItem"		style "xeno_menu"
class "GtkMenu"			style "xeno_menu"
widget "gtk-tooltips*"		style "xeno_tooltips"

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