Re: [gnome-summary] GNOME Journal proposal

On Sat, 2004-02-21 at 00:57 -0500, jorge o. castro wrote:

> Jim Hodapp wrote:


> Silly late night idea, but I'd figure I'd throw it out here since we're 
> brainstorming:
>  From what I've been gathering on irc, some kind of super sweet xml is 
> the right way to do this (I don't know jack about XML, but it sounds to 
> me like we can massage it anyway we see fit), perhaps (since Jim's 
> original email mentioned Linux Journal) we could do this as a website, 
> and then wrap up monthly for print/whatever?
> I'm thinking nothing but original content for this, so there would be no 
> overlap with existing GNOME news efforts. It sounds like the existing 
> idea would be a monthly production, which gives us about 4 weeks to put 
> an "issue" together. Would something a bit saner like "we plug in little 
> chunks throughout the week online, and then wrap it all the good stuff 
> at the end of the month in one huge docbook article suitable for 
> printing" work better?

Docbook seems to be a nice idea - Docbook + a customised stylesheet
would be a nice combo.

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