Re: "Restart and updates" and "Install pending software updates" not working

Il giorno mar, 19/12/2017 alle 09.43 +0100, Kalev Lember ha scritto:

The package to update is called something else, not
'dnf-plugins-extras'. Not sure exactly what, but try with globs that
should match whatever it is:

dnf --enablerepo=updates-testing update '*dnf*'

Thank you very much. It worked.

By the way, I am missing one concept. Which way should I manage the
package I installed from the updates-testing repo? Should I remove it
and reinstall it from the stable repo when it will become available
there? Or will it happen automatically? Or, should I not care about it
and leave it as it is? Sorry but I cannot find the answers in the
documentation, and I wouldn't mess up my system.

Thank you,

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