Layout Manager for Nemiver - Weekly Report 01


As mentioned in my proposal, I started my first week by changing the
architecture of the Nemiver's debugging perspective. This mean that
most of the week I wasn't able to compile Nemiver, I succeeded to
compile it for the first time Thursday night.

The change in the architecture is to put all the code managing the
layout in a different class which will be able to be loaded and
unloaded on the fly by a layout manager. The Layout Manager is not
written at this moment, I'm loading staticly the layout inside the
perspective. The work on the Layout Manager will happen next week,
which will probably be more complex that what I have done until now.

Quick overview of the layout architecture:
                          _______________/ \_______________
         IDBGPerspectiveLayout                      ISomeOtherPerspectiveLayout
               / \
              /   \
             /     \
            /       \
   Layout1    Layout2

 - In the code layouts are not named Layout1 and Layout2
 - In the future the DBGPerspective will contains a Layout Manager
which will manage layouts of type: "IDBGPerspectiveLayout"

I think I will be able to push something on the nemiver's git
repository very soon.

Fabien Parent

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