Telepathy integration into Evince: Progress Report Weeks #3-4

What I have done since my last report?

1. synchronous vs. asynchronous:
    Last week I talked to Ryan Lortie about asynchronous programming.  He showed me some basics using gtk, and demonstrated sync versus async using two very simple programs.

2. Folks:
    Looked at Folks ( Installed api documentation into devhelp, and wrote a little program that uses folks to get the list of contacts and prints them to the terminal. Code is here:

3. contact-wizard design
   Danielle Madeley pointed me to the discussion during the IM, Contacts & Social hackfest in the UK last week about the design of the contact chooser ( with some mockups. There are quite a few mockups here, but I think the main thing that pertains to me is the reference to bug# 650861.

4. Updated the wiki page (

  - Allan Day mentioned that the user-experience of the contact wizard should have a relationship to the contacts app (  There are a few mock-ups here, each of which has a different UX design.  So not quite sure how to proceed.

  - folks vs. folks-gtk?

Next week:
  - At the moment I am thinking to take the code I wrote and expand it to a gtk gui using gtk tree view.

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