Make a Tracker based ORM: Week report 2

Hello list!

I blogged my weekly report here:

Now, as there are people out there who don't use a browser (at all),
but send a mail to a daemon, which sends the page back, I'll paste it
here too ;-)

While last week was dedicated to coding the basic blocks of the ORM
(ontology lexer and parser), this week I set up the first blocks of the
ORM itself. What I did:

   1. Define the mapping format: it will be JSON based, and look like

          RdfClass: "nao:Tag",
          Name: "Tag",

          Properties: [
                  RdfName: "rdfs:label",
                  Name: "label"

      The good thing is that JSON makes it expansible (the parser will
      just ignore any unknown element), so that we can add missing bits

      2. I wrote a parser for this format

      3. I wrote an ontology
      parser (what I had was a turtle parser, producing statements but
      not “interpreting” them). It’s pretty basic ATM, only enumerating
      classes and properties.

      4. I wrote the first steps of the
      mapping, that is load the mapping file, check it, load the
      ontology files, check them, and check that the classes and
      properties used in the mapping are defined in the loaded

I though I would be able to do a bit more, but I got more work that
what I expected (blame my internship tutor who gave me a lot of
interesting things to do). So far, I’m not late, but just on time.

What can we expect next week ? Well, more thorough checking of the
mapping file, and the specification of how code generation will be
done. I’m still not totally clear on how I’ll do that, but I’m pretty
sure my mentor will have interesting ideas, since he’s the author of



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