Banshee Better Now Playing weekly report 9, the super late but awesome as always edition

I got very little done this (last) week. I was at guadec and was having too much fun attending talks and hanging out with friends. I'd like to hold Ruben fully accountable for my lack of progress. I DID get some stuff done though. I fixed a bunch of bugs in the udev backend, there's only one outstanding bug I'm trying to figure out how to fix, and then that work will be complete and ready to be merged into Banshee master.

Nex week(this week)  I'm going to work on that last remaining bug. I kind of put the pop-up video thing on hold, I haven't had time to really focus on it and natural language processing is hard. I guess that's why people do PhD research in it. I'm going to keep working on it even after GSoC but it definitely won't be ready by the end. I also thought the pencils down date was in another few weeks.

-- Alex Launi

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