
Hey everyone!

As all the other students I'm also glad to be part of GSoC 2010 and working closely with the GNOME community, I'm sure we'll all have fun during the summer.

As for me, my name is Michal Hruby, I'm from Slovakia and studying on Brno University of Technology in Czech republic.

My proposal was to implement a C-based library wrapping Zeitgeist's DBus API, so non-python applications can easily talk to Zeitgeist, but meanwhile libzeitgeist was open-sourced by Canonical and therefore I'll be mostly using the library to write plugins for GNOME applications, so Zeitgeist will have as much context of user's actions as possible. Seif (my mentor) has already a long list of plugins he'd like to see, and it seems that the first one I'll write will be for Totem, where we'll benefit from writing a C plugin, as the python plugin is sub-optimal.

Anyway, I'll make sure that once there's something interesting to show off, I'll post it on my blog (

That's about it for the start,
Good luck to everyone ;)

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