soc: Anti-Thief Software

Hi, all,

I've been browsing the different organizations and their project ideas, and I like the anti-thief software idea that someone has placed here:

I've been using GNOME on Ubuntu for quite a while now, including on my laptop, and I would love to work on this if accepted, or at least start it as part of GSoC if it turns out to be too big for the allotted time period.

According to the page, the mentor is TBD, so I don't know whom to eventually contact; however, I was hoping I could get some ideas on what would be nice to have and what would be REALLY nice to have so I can put together a proposal. I read the Guardian article referenced; the ideas mentioned there sound good, but will probably need to be prioritized for anyone's proposal.

Is anyone aware of any components that could be reused for this? Does anyone have any other comments?


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