[Weekly report] week 8, nautilus: add support to google documents

Hi everyone,

This week wasn't as productive as I expected it to be. I mostly corrected bugs on the google documents service. Created a GVfsGDataFile class which in the long run will permit to handle all types of google documents. I also got a new bug in the libgdata service, no it's not possible anymore to move documents to folder, the google server always answer that the folder doesn't exist, we tried to figure it out with phillip, but no way to understand what is wrong with us (or with google?).

Concerning GVFS, I corrected a few bugs, added function to:
      * Create folders
      * Move documents to folder
* List documents still doesn't work well, and I actually have the same bug using the ftp backend. Don't get what is wrong with my GVFS.

And my libgdata branch have been merged in the libgdata master branch :)

So here are the news for the last week.

Have a good week


Thibault Saunier

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