[final report] Rhythmbox context pane

During my "final" week I worked on fixing a few more bugs that people
reported. These bugfixes were mainly cosmetic things but I also added
a button to toggle the visibility of the panel.

Since moch recently reported that my project could be going into the
next release of Rhythmbox, I also began getting things release ready.
One thing that came up was support for i18n which I had not thought
about up until now. I did not have a chance to make everything
translator ready by today, but I will continue working on that and
should have it completed before the next release.

I just wanted to say that I am so happy that I got this chance to get
my feet wet in the wonderful world of OSS development. I am definitely
going to continue supporting and improving my plugin and hacking on
Rhythmbox. Outside of that, I now know that if I wish software needed
some feature or another, I am capable of adding it myself. I already
have my eye on a few other pieces of GNOME software that I plan on
hacking on.

I currently do not have access to my dev computer so I can't post a
git shortlog today.

John Iacona

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