Hi there


My name is Siegfried Gevatter and I live in Barcelona, Catalonia (but
was born and lived in Germany before; my dad is German and my mother
Catalan). I am 18 years old and I'm about to finish Technological
Baccalaureate, to start Computer Engineering after the summer (most
likely at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia). In my free time I
am an Ubuntu Developer and I also maintain a bunch of packages in
Debian (actually, I plan to start the process to become a Debian
Developer as soon as I get my GPG key signed by one, at the Ubuntu
Developer Summit next month).

I've been using GNOME for a bit more than three years and I've been
following the process of GNOME Shell lately (even contributed some
patch, but only very little stuff), and somehow I had the crazy idea
to apply to GSoC, so here I am :).

My project (Owen, if you're around, thanks for suggesting it! :))
consists in integrating GNOME Zeitgeist into GNOME Shell, providing a
seamless clutter interface integrated into gnome-shell as an
alternative to Zeitgeist's GTK GUI. See
for more details.

The project of coursse also covers doing any necessary changes to
GNOME Zeitgeist for this to be possible, like having it provide a
D-Bus interface, but in fact I already started with this a few weeks
ago and by now Zeitgeist is cleanly divided into a daemon and the
default GUI (and a bunch of other experimental ones) which
communicates with the former through D-Bus, and we are now getting
ready to release a first version of it. So, on May 23 (or a bit later,
as in the starts of July I have to do the University Access Exams)
I'll be able to start directly with the Shell stuff and having a good
knowledge of Zeitgeist :).

Anyway, if someone wants to have a look at my blog it's at
http://bloc.eurion.net (for subscription, GSoC stuff will be at
http://bloc.eurion.net/feed/atom/tag/gsoc2009 and if you want more,
most posts in English are at
http://bloc.eurion.net/archives/category/ubuntu-planet/feed). You can
contact me at rainct eurion net (or any other of the too many e-mail
aliases I have :P) or on IRC where I am as "RainCT" at
Freenode/GIMPnet/OFTC; I also have a Jabber account:
siggi gevatter gmail com 


Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals (RainCT)
Ubuntu Developer. Debian Contributor.

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