Re: fourth report: cheese integration

Marc-André Lureau schrieb:

I will do my best to give a simple answer, because I might be wrong.
Don't hesitate to ask more questions.

On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 11:34 AM, Felix Kaser <f kaser gmx net> wrote:
The problem is: When cheese gets called via dbus, it enters a specific
method (remote method). In this method cheese should wait until the user has
taken a picture, then return the path via dbus. But what about the waiting?
Well the client blocks, but this is not a problem in my opinion. The thing

The dbus client don't have to block when they make calls. They can
call asynchronously with a reply handler (this might be specific to
your dbus bindings).

Yes thanks, I know that already but thats not the problem ;) I want the client to be blocked... (for now...)
is, how to make the "waiting" of the cheese-method? Active waiting (while
(return_path == null) wait(1); ) sounds really ugly! But what else? Make a
new thread? Work with signals? Change the whole work flow?

I am not sure about what you mean.
You should be able to stay in a stacked context (within the "remote
method"), if you run your own main loop and wait until it exits. Look
at what gtk_dialog_run() is doing. This is somewhat special though.

Or you can probably add a particular signal handler that will "resume"
your context to answer the call. It might be also interesting to have
a variable that say that you are under this "remote" context and
resume/reply at certain point.

Maybe I am off topic ;)

Thanks for your advice, I will look what gtk_dialog_run() is doing! I'm new with gtk and gobject, so I don't know the possibilities I have there...
opinions also here, what do you think is the best way to make the slim
version? With a parameter like "-s" for slim or a variable which is set by
the dbus-remote-method?

Yeah why not!  Why do you want to run a slim version? Cheese is not
that much big or is it?
No it's not that much big, but in my opinion, the thumbnails are not necessary when cheese gets called via dbus. I like your argument...probably you are right and I should forget the slim thing :) (I will think about...)
best regards,

Thanks a lot for your answer...


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