Anjuta Git Plugin Week 4

This week the main thing I accomplished was finishing the bisecting
capability. The UI can even detect if the git tree you're working in is
in the middle of a bisect, and can update itself accordingly with the
help of a GFileMonitor that keeps tabs on the projects .git directory. 

Now for the other thing that I had planned for the week: ignoring files.
This one slowed me down a little bit, as the process for doing this in
git isn't the same as a normal command; in this case you have to
manipulate a file that contains ignored file names and patterns. The
problem here is that all that infrastructure I have for doing this is
worthless here, so I had to come up with another type of base class to
handle this. So I basically spent a lot of this week figuring out how to
best integrate this into my existing system without repeating code or
otherwise making an unmaintainable hack. I figured that I wouldn't need
about 99% of what the basic GitCommand class does, except for the
working directory property, so I just created a simpler version of it,
GitFileCommand, that has this property, that I'll derive
GitIgnoreCommand from. 

And, I've also made a first alpha release of my plugin as a patch that
can be applied to any recent Anjuta source tree. You can find it at


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