Re: second report: cheese integration

On Mo, 2008-06-09 at 12:30 +0100, Bastien Nocera wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-06-09 at 13:24 +0200, daniel g. siegel wrote:
> > hey!
> > 
> > of course you are right about the fact, that then every app could put
> > itself onto the gtkfilechooser.
> > 
> > but i would like to see it more like: every hardware device is putting
> > itself up there. i mean, you can access your disks, your favourite
> > places, why not your webcam?
> We're browsing for files, otherwise we could add every single piece of
> hardware in there. Should we add a way to create sound samples from
> within the file chooser because people might need to upload them? What
> about creating screencasts from within the filechooser? Maybe a drawing,
> because I can draw with my tablet...

why not? ;) i mean, if you often draw with your tablet, you could find
that very useful. of course then we would need a proper preference
dialog, where you can choose what to see and what not

> You could add a "Capture new avatar" under the cheese tagged images in
> Cosimo's work, I don't deny that, but adding it as a top-level sidebar
> item is just overdoing it.
> > of course we should do that with a common sense and not putting it up
> > there, when a user looks for his ice cream.
> How would you know what the user is looking for?
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