Gnome Scan Weekly Report 2007/05/29

Hi all,

Due to the centenary of Scouting, i was at Ch�au de Chambord with
17000 scouts and guides from 8 to 20 from saturday to monday. So the
week was not as full as i could do.

Quick report:

SANE support is more robust. The code received a lot of refactorisation
that's clean the project. Icons from 0.4 has land in 0.5. UI is more HIG
and optimized. I contribute to Gegl for yet used feature or for future

Long report:

Monday i continue to implement the different acquisition mode and GSane
now support three-pass RGB in 1, 8 and 16 bit per sample, Gray mode in
1, 8 and 16 bit per sample.

I refined a lot of code. MetaParam goes now GType (i registerd my first
GTypeFundamental !). Added -Wall CFLAGS and fixed tons of warnings. I
refactored the code in order to reduce libgnomescan and extend it in
modules/application instead of providing specific code in the library. I
renamed plugins in order to use their own prefix (naming was kind of a
mess before).

I contribute to Gegl by adding a PNG compression level option to
"png-save" operation. I also sent a new GeglOperation : save-pixbuf
which allow to write the result of a processing pipeline in a Pixbuf. I
implemented this operation in the perspective of PreviewArea

I reworked the event-base logic for UI update in order to be
ParamSpec-based instead of plugin-based. This mean that if a plugin's
param is changed, only this param is updated in the UI, the entire
plugins UI is not reloaded. This was a bit of code since SANE has a
global point of view for device options.

GnomeScanDialog now show/hide properly tabs. Added "Output" tab with PNG
compression level. I improved HIG conformity by fixing container border
width and label alignment. Device options are now conditionnaly packed
in a ScrolledWindow, for device with more than 12 options (needs to be

The project gains icons, imported from gnome-scan 0.4. Icons are now
fully themable and only scan specific. (no rotate icons, etc.).

Verso l'Alto !

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