Progress Report: Gnome Application Scripting

(Oops, sent to the wrong address yesterday)
For some reason, this entire week I've been out of it, and didn't get much done
on anything. I've been looking over the GIMP PDB APIs, since it seems that this
would be a good place to start with automating an app. Why? Because the work on
collecting information on what actions can be done, registering them, and 
hooking them into the application has mostly been done already, and I can
concentrate on simply exposing them to external scripting.

I also some silly little test apps to see how DBus and friends work, but
nothing monumental was completed.

Over the next week, I plan to flesh out the API I'd like to see, and probably
write (or at least start) a couple of simple demo apps that would work with
this library.

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