Re: AGOv3 - Report 14th May

On 15 May 2007, at 01:54, Bruno Santos wrote:


It seems I am not the only one with exams arriving in a couple of weeks. *sigh* The last week was kind of slow in what concerns SOC.

No problems if you have exams at the moment, obviously those must take priority!

I've been planning and defining ago's features for the past three weeks. I've already come up with some decisions in majority about the moderation process of artwork pieces. You can find out more in the development log about that subject[1].

I think the moderation process you suggested is a good idea, and could work well. I like the fact that existing users can be "promoted" to moderator status based on how many of their own submissions are accepted.

Other topic that was brought to my attention was the possibility to use openID in AGO. Since I'll be using CodeIgniter, a php framework, in the development of AGO, I wanted to see if I could easily integrate openID with it. I've already set up some demo and it seems to work really well.

opedID is interesting and if it is suitable then it sounds like an excellent idea. I'd like to get more comments from the community about this one and see if it could possibly be used in other gnome websites. I always hoped that it would be possible one day to use the same authentication for,,, etc.

In the time being I defined some priorities for the development phase of the project.

On the top of the list is Authentication Model. User authentication is probably the keystone of the whole system. Every other feature is built on top of what users can , and cannot do.

So with openID, I presume we still need to define our own attributes for users, including an ACL if we use one?

Now, future plans:
Unfortunately this week and the following one I am having a few university deadlines. Anyhow, I'll find time to dedicate to AGO.

Good luck with your deadlines/exams. Thanks for this update!



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