Introducing myself


I am Tobias Mueller from Hamburg, Germany. But many people -even in
reallife- just call me Muelli. I study computer science since 6
semesters and will reach diploma degree after approx. another 6 semesters.

I applied for SoC, especially for the Gnome project, because I use Gnome
for quite a while and now I want to "give something back" and contribute.

I want to improve Evolution, namely making threading more usable. See for more information :)

I have been busy (mainly with university stuff: I just passed a math
exam *yay*) for the last days, so I wasn't able to introduce myself
earlyer. So come, that I haven't got anything done concerning my SoC
project :-\ But I start focussing on SoC now!

I hope I can integrate myself into the GNOME community and get a part of
it, since I like the project :)

I started writing a blog[1], but it's neither beautiful, nor rich of
content ;-) But this may change, at least I hope so :)


[1] the blog is available under
    I will provide a hackergotchi ASAP.

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