Report: Changing metacity into a window-and-pointer-manager 25/06/07

SoC progress report: June 25, 2007


First of all, sorry for not reporting my report last week. It was the
most important week at the university, and I had a lot of stuff to do.
Now I only got 2 tests reamaining, one tomorrow and one after
tomorrow. After Thursday there will be nothing more to stop me =)

On the last 2 weeks I've almost stopped developing, and now I'm back.
Since I started again, I spent my time trying to solve a problem with
MPX, because without that I wouldn't be able to continue testing my
patches. While I was writing this text Peter gave me a solution to the
problem. Nice!

This week I plan to keep testing and see what happens...

I know I'm a little bit late with my project, but don't worry, from
now it's going go faster!


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