Re: My gripes with Gnome Shell

On Mon, 2016-09-26 at 12:38 -0700, Jeffrey Needle wrote:
Two things about Gnome that just make it unusable for me.  First, the
top panel needs to be more customizable.  I want the FULL date, not 
just the month and day.

It is **vital** you know what YEAR it is?  That makes a DE "unusable"?

I want a working weather app.  

Sorry, I cannot help you with that one - other than that I see numerous
weather widgets in the extensions database.   I see little point in
displaying the weather on my desktop 100% of the time.

If it's an app that is launched, say, using a shell script, you have 
to manually create a file to make it appear in the apps display. For 
new users, who I install regularly, this is just too difficult. 

It is XDG.  It is simple, to refer to an application it has to have an
XDG [description] file.  AFAIK, 99.44% of packages include the XDG.  
Simply distribute an XDG file with your application start-script.

Why can't the developers make some of these things work correctly?

They work perfectly.

Adam Tauno Williams <mailto:awilliam whitemice org> GPG D95ED383
Systems Administrator, Python Developer, LPI / NCLA

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