Problems with the Disable Screen Shield Extension on GNOME 3.18/Fedora 23

A few months ago, the patch from Matthijs (see below) worked great for me on GNOME 3.16/Fedora 3.22. However, a few months after that, and also recently when I upgraded to Fedora 23/GNOME 3.18, the Disable Screen Shield extension stops working in some cases.
I have org.gnome.desktop.session set to 3600. If there have been just a 
few hours of inactivity, the extension works as expected (moving the 
mouse restores the desktop from monitor-sleep mode, and I don't get the 
curtain). But when I leave my computer overnight and return the next 
morning, moving the mouse (or hitting a non-operative key like Shift) 
doesn't get rid of the curtain. I have to hit the Escape key to get rid 
of the curtain, which is not desirable.
I also tried the new version of the Disable Screen Shield extension that 
lgpasquale recently updated, but that doesn't seem to work at all for me 
-- even after just an hour of inactivity, moving the mouse doesn't get 
rid of the curtain.
Any suggestions for a better fix or even how to troubleshoot this in 
more detail would be greatly appreciated.


On 08/25/2015 09:08 AM, Kartik Subbarao wrote:
On 08/22/2015 04:46 PM, Matthijs Kooijman wrote:
Hi Kartik
I'm trying to get the Disable Screen Shield extension to work on GNOME 3.16 / Fedora 22. This used to be a simple matter of updating the version number
in metadata.json, but it doesn't work now:
I just had a look at my local copy and it turns out I had some local
changes, which I apparently also submitted on github. The changes are
supposed to make the code a bit more robust, so perhaps they can help to
run on 3.16 (I'm still at 3.14). Anyway, the patch is here:
Thanks very much Matthijs, this worked for me!


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