Question about locking down access to settings in gnome-shell...


Greetings, this is my first post to the list. Please accept my apology if this topic is better suited for another list and if so, I would appreciate your direction as to which one.

I am working on locking down various user settings using dconf locks and applying the config using puppet templates.  I'm managing a bunch of multi-user gnome desktops on Scientific Linux 7.1 with gnome-shell 3.8.4-45.el7 for a class room environment, but I'm struggling with what dconf/gsettings key locks access to the Settings / Privacy / Screen Lock / Automatic Screen Lock toggle.

Currently my /etc/dconf/db/site.d/locks/01-site-locks file looks like this:
(keys that I'm aware of which manage screen lock properties are in bold)
# lock down desktop settings

For each of these keys, I'm also setting a value in /etc/dconf/db/site.d/01-site-settings.  Any advice would be most appreciated.  Thank you!


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