Re: Where can I find detailed extension API changes of gnome-shell

On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 6:55 PM, Vadim <vadim dbfin com> wrote:

No, that was the message from the lead maintainer and developer of GS, who
actually decides what is important for GS, and who, BTW, created the site He also never reviewed extensions himself, unless for
very early versions. So that was a message from the GS team, not from
someone who got tired of reviewing extensions. And, by the way, one of the
emails asking if they need help with reviewing extensions, I sent to him.

That was a message from Jasper, who's contributions to gnome-shell are
hard to overlook and are very valuable. But he is not the lead
maintainer of gnome-shell, nor does he speak for the gnome-shell
development team. People (myself included) will say many things, and
we all have our own opinions.

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