Re: gnome-shell-list Digest, Vol 63, Issue 9

On Fri, 2014-01-17 at 08:15 -0600, Marshall Neill wrote:
I just thought 40k in bugs was a bit outrageous. Oh well, just
that pointing out that number should raise a concern.  Guess I really 
don't know what bug is.
Roughly half the bugs in projects I maintain are wishlist items. GNOME
Bugzilla is more of a general task-tracker. Many of the tasks are
exactly what you would think of as bugs, but many are not. Lots of
developers open Bugzilla tickets for every change they make, even if
it's just a code cleanup.

And there are lots of projects in GNOME Bugzilla that are only
tangentially identifiable with GNOME. Does a bug in gstreamer [1] count
as a GNOME bug? (I bet there are as many or more gstreamer users running
KDE as GNOME.) What about a bug in Dia [2]? Doxygen [3] tracks bugs on
GNOME Bugzilla; should every Doxygen bug count as a GNOME bug?

It'd probably be more meaningful to examine bugs for each module


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