Re: No application or applet icons in gmome-shell-3.10.3

On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 2:26 PM, John Frankish <j-frankish slb com> wrote:
As I'm working on a simple linux system I'm trying to keep things as uncomplicated as possible.

I've been unable to make gdm work

If your session is not running under GDM, you won't be able to lock
the screen or switch users. From your description, that's probably
acceptable for your system, and there shouldn't be any more drawbacks
(GDM doesn't do any special magic when launching gnome-session).

but I can launch gnome-session by setting $DESKTOP=gnome-session in the above. When I did this, I noticed 
that the upower icon appeared in the top panel, but like the nm-applet, it will not let me do anything due 
to permission issues.

At this point the problem is no longer the way you launch your GNOME
session - "permission issues" could be your PolKit configuration?

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