Re: Releasing an extension for a certain GS version looks in your metadata.json and serves the correct file (the 'shell-version' bit.

So if I had one version of the extension where metadata.json had 3.8 and 3.6, that zip would be served for anyone with 3.6.x and 3.8.x

Then if I uploaded a second version with metadata.json having just 3.10, that will be given to all 3.10.x people.

(it just gives the newest extension that supports your gnome-shell version, determined from metadata.json)

On 20 October 2013 08:55, Daniel Falk <danielfalk22 gmail com> wrote:

I want to release an extension for different versions of gnome, each with different code bases.  Is there a way to do this, such that will serve the right zip based upon what version of gnome shell that a user is using?

Or am I stuck using if blocks to handle each gnome-shell version I want to support?

In short--same extension, but new code for different versions.


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