Re: web page with instructions for getting 'gnome 2' experience back

On 7 August 2012 19:30, Bob Frazier <bobf mrp3 com> wrote:
On 08/07/12 05:10, Diego Fernandez so wittily quipped:
Hmm... Most of this has been covered countless times.  I read your
page, and to tell you the truth I didn't find much useful information.

it's not HOW MUCH information, but rather "putting it all in one place". I spent too much FRUSTRATING time when I installed Ubuntu 11.10 for a particular customer

Bob, your web page is very angry and not all that constructive. You're installing a distribution who make their own decision on how things are packaged up and shipped. Ubuntu 11.10 in this case ships with Unity and a load of other tweaks that Gnome aren't responsible for.

You ask "Why can't these things be included as STANDARD FEATURES?", the choice to include the features you want would still be dictated by the distribution and not Gnome whose design choices clearly differ.

If you feel you're not able to move forward and relearn could you just not upgrade?


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