Re: Creating composite PopupMenuItems

On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 10:31 PM, Amy C <mathematical coffee gmail com> wrote:
> Ok, I've tried creating a St.BoxLayout to hold the St.Button, St.Icon
> and PopupSwitchMenuItem in like so (snippet):
> = new St.BoxLayout({vertical: false});
>  this.button = new St.Button(...);
>  this.icon = new St.Icon(...);
>  this.toggle = new PopupMenu.PopupSwitchMenuItem(...);
> It all works up until I try to add the PopupSwitchMenuItem to the
> St.BoxLayout, complaining about "Object 0x... proto 0x... doesn't have
> a dynamically registered class, it has Object".

Right, PopupSwitchMenuItem is a JS object, not a ClutterActor. You can
try If you just want a switch widget, there's

> I guess this means that Popup*MenuItems *can't* be embedded into St.Box* ?
> I also tried initialising an empty menu item via `PopupMenuItem("")`
> and .addActor( this.toggle ) to that, which gives a similar error.
> Is my only hope for adding St items to the *left* of a
> PopupSwitchMenuItem to just copy all the PopupSwitchMenuItem code into
> my own class, making sure I insert my items in the _init method?
> On 29 May 2012 16:32, Amy C <mathematical coffee gmail com> wrote:
>> But PopupSwitchMenuItem/PopupBaseMenuItem do not have this method,
>> only addActor, and seems not to
>> exist.
>> If I use insert_child_at_index on some private member of the
>> PopupSwitchMenuItem I'd have to make sure I did everything else that
>> PopupSwitchMenuItem.addActor does (adding Params.parse(...) to
>> this._children, etc).
>> At the moment I'm subclassing PopupBaseMenuItem, making a
>> St.BoxLayout, and putting a St.Button, St.Icon and
>> PopupMenu.PopupSwitchMenuItem inside it (haven't actually tried the
>> code yet).
>> I have this vague feeling that the Popup*MenuItems should really be
>> top-level things and not be embedded within a PopupBaseMenuItem.
>> cheers.
>> On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 3:45 PM, Tim <darkxst fastmail fm> wrote:
>>> you can use `insert_child_at_index()` to put actor before existing ones
>>> On 29/05/12 14:15, Amy C wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'd like to create a PopupMenuItem that is basically a
>>>> PopupSwitchMenuItem (the label + toggle) and to the *left* of that, a
>>>> button and an icon.
>>>> Now if the button/icon were to the right I'd just create a
>>>> PopupSwitchMenuItem and call .addActor( theButton ) and .addActor(
>>>> theIcon ).
>>>> How can I insert these to the left instead? I could subclass
>>>> PopupBaseMenuItem and basically replicate the code of
>>>> PopupSwitchMenuItem but make sure that in _init I addActor my button
>>>> and icon *before* the label and toggle, but this seems to be not the
>>>> "right way" in that I have to copy the PopupSwitchMenuItem. i.e. I'd
>>>> be recreating the wheel (ie have to always make sure the code I copied
>>>> from PopuSwitchMenuItem remains consistent every time it changes)
>>>> instead of just using it.
>>>> Could I make a St.{something? Box? BoxLayout} and just add an
>>>> St.Button, St.Icon and then a PopupSwitchMenuItem to it? But would a
>>>> PopupMenu then be able to    addMenuItem this? I feel I'm missing
>>>> something simple.
>>>> cheers.
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