[no subject]

Hi all,

Is there some means where I can watch just one specified window (or
its actor) and get sent a signal whenever it is obscured or revealed
by another window, be it via the other window (or target window) being
(un)?(max|min)imized, moved, or resized?

I saw notes about this in this changelog:
that seems to be what I want (works out which region is obscured), but
I don't know how to get at it.

At the moment I'm listening to every other window actor's
size-changed/position-changed event (which covers windows being
maximized, minimized, unmaximized, unminimized, destroyed, resized &
moved whether interactively or by keyboard shortcut) and seeing
whether it affects the target window (i.e. obscures it).
This seems a little inefficient as there's many events that will
simply have nothing to do with the target window.

If anyone has alternatives I'd be happy to hear them.


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