Re: Are there any JS gdk pixmap bindings?

Around about 18/05/12 18:21, Jasper St. Pierre scribbled ...
GdkPixbuf is a separate library


I had seen that: I've been partially relying upon the seed introspection docs. at and while I saw GdkPixbuf it's pretty empty so I dismissed it.

I've found the gir xml files now (/usr/share/gir*) and got a feel for how they map into JS.

Hopefully I can move on a step now! At least, I can create pixbufs from file in JavaScript now:

pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size(
    "mythtv-mono.svg", 40, 16 ).

Although, in case you're around: I will also want to do some textual Cairo rendering, but that's proving more elusive. It seems as if it may be based off a gnome-shell/mutter entity (from get_theme_node()) but I can't yet see where its impl. is.

  While I continue digging, do you know where it stems from?

[phoenix@fnx ~]# rm -f .signature
[phoenix@fnx ~]# ls -l .signature
ls: .signature: No such file or directory
[phoenix@fnx ~]# exit

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