Obtaining an extension from extensions.gnome.org even when on Windows or incompatible GNOME.

Hi all,

Sorry to bother the list with so many emails, but I'm having a lot of
fun tweaking extensions and in the lack of documentation have nowhere
else to turn to!

Is it possible to get an extension (by which I mean the folder that
gets put into ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions) from
extensions.gnome.org even if my current shell is not compatible with
it? Or if I'm using Windows?

For example, I was interested in looking at the 'Activities Button'
shell extension
but as it is not compatible with GNOME 3.2 (current computer's shell),
the 'on/off' button doesn't work, and I can't look at the source.

One of the most constructive ways for me to learn about writing
extensions is reading other people's, so I'd like to know how to do
get the code even if I'm on (say) Windows at the time.


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