Re: symbolic SVG *not* as an icon?

Am Do 26 Jul 2012 18:51:40 CEST schrieb Yaa101:
Hi Ami,

I do not know too much detail on applying css on st widgets.
The following is a hunch and probably will not help you, I hope it is
useful anyway.

I do know that SVG is not a picture on which you can do raster
operations like filling colors, SVG is a collection of commands to
create a vector, which is then rasterized.

At some point in the library after inputting the SVG, the SVG commands
are handled to create a rasterized picture in a buffer, this buffer is
then showed to us.

So maybe you have to be able to insert a command into the svg before it
gets handled, or maybe able to manipulate the created raster buffer with



A svg file is a simple xml file. the color is stored in a style attribute. But believe me, it is really nasty to manipulate the file and then trigger the render action.

Just use 2 svg files with separate css classes like the toggle button
in /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/gnome-shell.css and

.my-button {
   background: url('background.svg');
   background-size: contain;
   width:140px; /*(only in pixel)*/

.my-button:checked {
   background: url('background_blue.svg');
   background-size: contain;
   width:140px; /*(only in pixel)*/

and inside the js:
       if (blue)

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