Some suggestions for the view activity.


To reduce travel and thus make the interface more convenient, I made ​​changes that bring the various elements of the icon "activity".

There are so few moves to do to perform various actions can become repetitive if one executes regularly.

I) Changes.

1) For all views:
- Dash is top middle
Thereby placing other elements closer to the top left corner.
- Search field below the middle.

2) Windows picker
Miniatures left office.
Windows on the right.

3) Application picker
Lists of categories on the left.
Icons on the right.

How long have I think about a way to reduce the distance you must travel to perform actions and the idea came to me to move the dash up the middle, which opens up new possibilities

Images are more telling than words, I'll put links here:

Windows picker:

Application picker:

I hope you find these interesting proposals!

Gnome live!

See you soon

Jerome Perret

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