prefs.js importing Main complains about not finding Meta

Hi all,

In my prefs.js I'm trying to import imports.ui.Main.

However this causes the following error on selecting the extension in

    JS ERROR: !!!   Exception was: Error: Requiring Meta, version
none: Typelib file for namespace 'Meta' (any version) not found

I guess Main imports Meta which is not included in the import path for

The workaround is not to import Main in prefs.js and leave that until
the settings.connect('changed::...') listener in extension.js.

However I'm only importing Main because I want to query
`Main.panel._leftBox.get_children().length` and depending on the
result I'll do a this._settings.set_int(...). I'm incorporating a
wrap-around effect: if the number increases past the
get_children().length I'll set it back to 0 instead.

If I defer this processing to the listener in extension.js, it's going
to look like this:

settings.connect('changed::my_key', function () {
    let value = settings.get_int('my_key');
    if (value >= Main.panel._leftBox.get_children().length) {
        value = 0;
    /* ... more stuff to do with value */

It just seems awkward because this will fire the 'changed::my_key'
signal twice, once with the first value and the proper adjusted value
of 0.

So, is there any way to import Main into prefs.js?


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