Disable touchpad while typing with a 2 second delay in Gnome Shell


I relatively recently switched to Gnome Shell as my main desktop. I have never worked more efficiently in any DE. But there's this one (for me) serious issue: When I enable "Disable touchpad while typing" in the mouse preferences there's a 2 seconds (!) delay after I stop typing before the touchpad works again. For me the delay makes it impossible to work with this setting enabled, and on my main laptop I really need this setting since typing alone makes the cursor jump. Many laptops have this problem which is why this option was offered in the first place I would assume. This delay was IIRC 0.2 seconds in Gnome 2. Why on earth was it changed in Gnome 3 to 2 seconds? Typo? :) I can not even find a hidden setting for this delay, so it seems to me it's hard coded. I did find a workaround using syndaemon instead of Gnome's own settings but it causes some inaccuracy in other touchpad settings. I can live with that though. I hope I have overlooked something, but I have poked around a little and seen some mention of actually recompiling Gnome 3 to change this setting. Is that really the case?



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