Re: Suggestion: Remove the Window Title Bar

On Fri, 2011-10-07 at 10:31 +0200, Florian Müllner wrote:

[about ]
> It's certainly true that an original idea doesn't have to come from an
> "official" GNOME designer to be considered, but in this particular case
> I'm fairly sure that it is not the direction the design is moving to.

In any case, that wiki page (and the other whiteboards where anyone puts
in proposals) needs maintenance; otherwise it is in danger of becoming a
wall of graffiti ideas.

Tooting my own horn, the following is a good example of how explain a
design rationale, take ideas, and discuss them:

You'll see a section called "Old/discarded mockups", and a section in
the bottom with all the archived discussion.  The discarded mockup was
the original proposal; then we had some discussion, came up with a
better idea (which is now in the main part of the wiki), and moved the
first design to the Discarded section.

Maybe someone can clean up the gnome-shell whiteboards in a similar way?


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